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| | Why was MDOS developed? We had a requirement for our own in-house embedded OS, to give our customers the best products possible.
What experience does Partis Computing have? Over 30 years of 8/16/32 bit embedded system design (both hardware and software).
Why develop 'yet another OS'? Why indeed. Different OS products are generally targetted at particular markets. We aim to supply a completely generic solution for small memory footprint embedded and desktop markets.
What compilers are used to develop MDOS? MDOS uses GNU GCC compilers running under Cygwin on a Win32, and Linux, environments for development purposes.
What CPUs does MDOS support? MDOS currently supports a number of CPUs beyond the i386, including ARM, M16C, and M68K.
Will you add other CPUs? We do quite often! As the nature of MDOS is multi-targetable, adding new CPUs and platforms is generally simply a case of customising a device driver tasks (eg. serial comms), a slightly changed kernel to handle task switching, and a new boot loader.
Is all task functionality available to all platforms/CPUs? Yes and no... All pure library tasks are available to all platforms and CPUs (such as encryption and compression etc). The only tasks which are not guranteed to be present on all platforms and CPUs are those which are coded to handle specific functionality on hardware. The SVGA driver for a PC platform is of no use on a headless embedded ARM system!
Can MDOS be used as a desktop/laptop operating system? Yes! See www.adelian.co.uk or click on the Adelian link to the left.
Is there a development kit for MDOS? Sort of. We have developed own devkit, and while this is of merchantable quality, we need to add copious amounts of documentation, above and beyond of what is already written.
Can I buy a copy? Not yet - free alpha test versions are downloadable.
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