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| | These JPEGs are captured from Qemu (PC and Raspberry Pi), Steem (Atari ST) and Arculator (Acorn) emulators running under Windows XP and Linux. The JPEG compression ratio is quite high so the images are slightly degraded.
Standard AT PC (i386 onwards)
|  | PC initial boot loader in real mode. The boot sector loads the secondary boot loader which in turn loads the kernel and core tasks.
|  | Adelian has started up in protected mode, and is loading and initialising additional tasks required to run the Adelian Desktop environment.
|  | Adelian Desktop has started and showing total startup time as a debug dialogue box. Screen resolution is 640x480 and 15bit colour.
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Atari ST (68000 onwards)
|  | Atari ST initial boot loader still running under STOS. The boot sector loads the secondary boot loader which in turn loads the kernel and core tasks.
|  | Adelian has started up, with STOS no longer in control, and is loading and initialising additional tasks required to run the Adelian Desktop environment.
|  | Adelian Desktop has started and showing total startup time as a debug dialogue box. Screen resolution is 320x200 and 4bit colour.
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Acorn Archimedes (ARMv2 - ARM2 and ARM3)
|  | Archimedes initial boot loader still running under RISC OS. The boot loader in turn loads the kernel and core tasks.
|  | Adelian has started up, with RISC OS no longer in control, and is loading and initialising additional tasks required to run the Adelian Desktop environment.
|  | Adelian Desktop has started and showing total startup time as a debug dialogue box. Screen resolution is 640x256 and 8bit colour.
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Raspberry Pi (ARMv6)
|  | Raspberry Pi initial boot loader still running after being loaded by the GPU. The boot loader in turn loads the kernel and core tasks.
|  | Adelian has started up, and is loading and initialising additional tasks required to run the Adelian Desktop environment.
|  | Adelian Desktop has started and showing total startup time as a debug dialogue box. Screen resolution is 640x480 and 24bit colour.
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